We are a quantitative and systematic investment firm using advanced data science and mathematics to exploit alpha opportunities we consider unique in financial markets. The investment strategies we deploy are based on the notion that data is the most powerful investment tool available. Superior risk-adjusted returns are possible when data is applied to sophisticated mathematics, intelligent software, scientific intuition and rigorous risk management.
Technology is in our DNA and is a key pillar of the design and implementation of our investment strategies. The ability to perform complex computations on large datasets is vital to our investment approach and our team is committed to learning and deploying new technologies to evolve our strategies and systems.
These are exciting times to be at the forefront of applying innovative technology to investment management!
Our clients matter
We have the privilege of working with many investors who positively influence our world from pensions serving thousands of teachers, firefighters and civil servants to philanthropic organizations helping the less fortunate to groups pursuing cures for life-threatening diseases. Knowing what we do has a positive impact on our community and the world motivates us to strive for excellence.
Voloridge Makes a Difference.